A mixed methods study of the acceptability of MRSA screening in NHS Scotland Pathfinder Boards from the perspective of patients, visitors, the wider community & NHS staff: Published on NHS Scotland MRSA Screening Pathfinder Programme: Final Report Volume 3: Staff Patient Acceptability.

Kay Currie, Christina Knussen, Lesley Price, Margaret Brown, Pauline Hamilton, Christine Organ

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


A study of staff and patient acceptability of MRSA screening was undertaken during the pathfinder study. A mixed methods triangulation design was used to enable merging of qualitative and quantitative data sets, incorporating the following data collection strategies: Post-discharge qualitative telephone interviews with patients (n=10) and a nominated visitor (n=2) Post-discharge paper-based survey of patients (n=51) and a nominated visitor
(n=26) Electronic survey of NHS staff using Survey Monkey (n=216) Structured discussions with NHS staff, using the Nominal Group Technique (six groups involving 34 staff) Postal survey of the wider community (n=352).
Original languageEnglish
PublisherHealth Protection Scotland
Commissioning bodyScottish Government
Number of pages162
Volume 9781873772348
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2011


  • MRSA screening
  • acceptability
  • health service staff
  • mixed-method study
  • Pathfinder Boards


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